
Character Sketches:

Character Profile:

Name: Cheese

Height: 10cm

Cheese is a very friendly snake who’s very curious about the world he lives in.

Cheese enjoys adventuring, discovering new things, making friends and eating and shiny objects

Cheese doesn’t like loud noises, spiders, or creatures that are mean.

Brief Narrative:

Cheese is a tiny snake who enjoys adventuring around the house he has hidden away in. He enjoys
going on adventures to places he has never seen and is easily impressed. Through Cheese’s
adventures he encounters tricky obstacles and makes unlikely friends who help him through his

Idea Rating:

Creativity: 5

Ease of character creation: 10

Ease of set creation: 7

Humour of story: 4

Ability to work with someone else to meet deadlines: 6

Overall rating: 32

I would work with Jack because I know him well and get along with him. Though I personally don’t
mind who I work with.

Brief and Rough production diagram

Art direction and style:
The style of the character will be simple but realistic. The set design will resemble a small area of a
house, it’s very simple and doesn't need much. It will look more realistic than cartoonish but the main
character won’t have as much realism.

Ease of set assembly:
The set assembly will be fairly simple, it will be a extreme close up of somewhere in a house,
allowing the character to explore things that people wouldn’t usually find interesting

Set Ideas:

- Desk space holding a laptop, book and other stationary for the character to interact with. A light
setting with vibrant colours. A lamp on set used for a good light source.

- Inside a small old shed, random objects littered around, such as a lawnmower, car, tools, old
furniture and many other things. places and things for the character to explore. The set can have
new things added to it each episode. Still vibrant but make it look more like natural lighting rather
than artificial due to it being more of an outdoor setting than the first idea.

- In a persons bedroom, quite a clean room with lots of belongings and new things for the character to
discover. The character lives unknown in the room due to them only being a bug like creature.
